Some call it discrimination. Others call joining the National Guard a career killer.
A little over a year ago the House Committee on Veterans' Affairs Subcommittee on Economic Opportunity held a hearing on this very issue called "Lowering the Rate of Unemployment for the National Guard."
In his opening statement, Hon. Marlin Stutzman (R-IN), then the chairman of the subcommittee said, "As the owner of a small business, I understand the pressures on employers that the loss of a critical employee creates. But in the end, the question I always ask is, who is making the greater sacrifice, the employer or the service member who is literally going in harm’s way and that member’s family who must cope with all the stresses of a deployment?"
Hon. Bruce Brayle (D-IA), then the subcommittee's ranking member, echoed the same sentiment in his opening statement saying, "It is our responsibility to create a culture where all American businesses recognize the important service of their employees who have answered the call to duty. Employers are vital to empowering employees who are members of the National Guard and Reserves. We want all of our veterans to succeed and we want their employers to do well also."
Catch up on this important issue and hear input from employers and veterans by watching the archived webcast of the hearing here.
Then register on the Center for America website to hire the many heroes who are searching for jobs.
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